TDN Charlie Sheen

Uh... You know about the TDN right? Anyway, this week's theme (courtesy of Sean Mike) was Charlie Sheen. No amount of description can properly convey what it was like. The combination of cocktail creating drinking, Charlie Sheen quotes and general ridiculousness can't be recreated, or even accurately described. You had to be there. You should be there! Really, next week, see you there! (But first, login right now and start chatting.)

So after several drink recipes and several more jokes it was my turn. This is what I came up with:

(insert photo here)
Tiger Blood #4

1.5oz Fernet Branca
1.5oz grapefruit juice
0.25oz cinnamon syrup

Shake. Cure your mind. Strain through your fingertips in to a glass made of poetry.

Check out the other drinks and some joke/quote tweets. Then maybe try the drinks, or something.



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