Nearly T-Boned

Well not really. But it could have happened. As we were making a right turn into our driveway. (Is it more correctly "turn in to"? One goes into a house, but do you really go into a driveway?) Anyway....
We live on the north side of our street. We work in the east part of the city. We travel west to get home. So, we make a right turn when we get home. There is only one wetsbound lane in front of our house. There are two westbound lanes further east. The road is still wide enough for two vehicles (barely) just before our driveway. Rest assured dear reader that there is only one lane. There is one lane and it is also not possible to pull into the driveway when one's vehicle is close to the curb. One must be closer to the centre line. This is especially true in the winter. Not only is there much snow piled up on the boolavard, there is much snow piled up on the street just before our driveway. This is caused by the plow. The plow also truncates the aperature at the end of our driveway. So, in the winter you must make an even wider right turn to get into our driveway. Tonight I made such a turn. I had my right turn signal on in plenty of time, I was also braking. Two good signs a vehicle is about to make a right turn. For some reason the driver behind my tried to pass me. On the right! Really. Along the curb/snow-mound where there is no longer a lane, nor has there been one for nearly 100ft, he/she tried to pass. Whilst I was slowing down, about to turn, signalling that I was about to turn, about to turn into the path of this vehicle, whilst all of that was happening he/she tried to pass me. Honestly! Who throws a shoe? If ever there is a collision at the end of my driveway I imagine it will be difficult to bite my tongue. I don't think I've ever publicly berated anyone, but there's a first time for everything.


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