Mixology Monday CIX: Dry Cocktails

Ahoy good reader! It's once again time to join the monthly online cocktail party. This month our host is The Booze Baron and the theme is Dry Cocktails. (Click here to see all the recipes.)

"Like really dry.  Bone dry."

The challenge is to present a drink other than a Martini that achieves such dryness. I think I've done just that! I've taken The Baron at his word and kept the spirit component at 80% of the drink. I hummed and hawed about how to do this and then came across a drink made up of five halves. (I'll leave the original drink for another day. Your imagination or sleuthing may find it). So, one fifth fortified wine and the rest liquor eh? Got it! A drink which through alchemy makes it's components not immediately obvious. Feel free to experiment with brands other than those which I used.

In Fidel
3 parts Havana Club Anejo Blanco
1 part Ballantine's Blended Scotch
1 part La Gitana Manzanilla
1 dash Fee's orange bitters

Stir with much ice. Strain into a coupe.

Thank you Nick for hosting. Thank you Fred for keeping the MxMo going. Thank you Bill for the drink name; I had other name ideas but this one I can't Raúl out.


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