Tulips & Toilets


So, it turns out we do have tulips. Yellow ones. Mostly in the backyard though........
There are also two kinds of purple flowers. One of which is violet, or so I've been told. As recommmended we are waiting to see what all comes up and leaving the planting until next season.


Our toilet has been leaking from the tank. Down one of the bolts. It turns out that we were shorted two rubber washers when we purchased it. So, one Master Plumber brand package of bolts, nuts, and washers later and no more leak! There was one mishap though.......

The package of bolts was a sealed plastic pouch which was inside a zip top plastic bag. In me zeal to open the pouch I ended up with nuts and bolts everywhere! Actually, not "everywhere" per se. All the parts but two stayed on the counter. Amazing! One wing nut and one washer ended up inside the (drained) toilet tank. Nothing down the drain, nothing on the floor, nothing in my eye! Excellent. Hopefully this will be the last toilet repair I am required to make for some time. We'll see....


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